Photo Credit: Molly LaFata Portraits

Photo Credit: Molly LaFata Portraits

Hello there,

I’m Megan, and I live just south of Denver, CO with my husband and two pups. I was born and raised in Southwest Missouri, and moved to Arizona on a whim in my early 20’s. It was there that I met Eric, and started on my photography journey. I fell in love with the idea that I could capture a moment in time to be forever frozen as an image. We made the move to Colorado in 2014 and settled in Parker.

Fun Facts:

~ I’m a textbook Ambivert (extroverted introvert)- it’s actually a thing!

~ I love to bake, chocolate pie is my specialty.

~ Fall is my favorite season. I love that it reminds us that letting go can be beautiful.

~ I love all things coffee and have a slight obsession with beautiful mugs (see my mug shot Mondays on Insta).

~ Elephants are my spirit animal.

~ I have recently become a mountain biking enthusiast. I didn’t realize my need for speed until this summer.

~ I’m clumsy and awkward at times, and I’m learning to embrace it. Having the ability to laugh at myself helps.

My Why:

One of my favorite things to do on a snowy afternoon, is to sit down and flip through old photo albums. I love that a photo can transport me back in time. I can often hear the laughter, smell the surroundings, and feel the love and warmth of that time in my life. I adore the connections that I see between beloved family members. It is for this very reason that my photo boxes and albums are among my most prized possessions. My hope is that I can capture the connections within your family so that one day your loved ones can look at the images and be transported back in time.